Please note that in order to use Tachomaster Worker you will need a Tachomaster account and a worker log in. If you do not already have an account, please visit:
for a free 28 day trial.
Tachomaster is the UK market leading Tachograph Analysis solution. With the Tachomaster Worker application your non-tachograph workers can sign in and out of work in real-time.
Tachomaster Worker's features include:
* Sign in for Tachomaster Workers and Drivers
* Ability to start and stop Work, add Breaks and Periods of Availability
* Ability to set yourself as "out of the office"
* View recent Tachograph Rest, Drive and Other Work information
* View current WTD Reference Period information
* View recent Working Pattern
* View recent Shifts including Start time, duration, activity totals and vehicle
* View recent infringements
* View weekly and daily rest information on a Calendar
Please submit bug reports, contribute new features and ask questions by emailing us at:
User ID and PIN
Your User ID and PIN are created with your Tachomaster worker record, which in turn is created the first time you read your driver card into Tachomaster. If this is your own company you will find the details at the bottom of your record on the web site at Tools > Add / Amend > Amend Worker Details, or top right in the software at File > Open > Worker.
If not your own company then please refer to a Tachomaster admin at the company you work for, we are not able to supply them for security reasons.